Topic- ADOption

by XLOSTxxANDxxWANDERINGX   Sep 30, 2008

You technically are my mother
Yet I have never seen you a day in my life
You gave me up at my young age
Which has now caused me a lot of strife

I wonder a lot about you
But do you really even care
I question if you are alive
And if you are really out there

As much as my heart says yes
My mind and body say hell no
I somewhat want to find you
But will it go how I want it to go

I really have no say when I look
I cant force you to understand
Even if I find you
The choice lies only in your hands

I dont completely understand
How a mother can give their own child up
I think about that a lot
I struggle with it to I erupt

As much as I wonder
I cant change this fact
I am adopted
And that mean only that

Theres no if and or buts
No is no and if it is said
I will have go on with my life
Removing the rejection from my head

To all those out there who have searched and failed
All thats left to do is forget
Not completely but it was an effort made
That you should never ever regret

~this poem was inspired by a legal rights book my class read in school... it made me think alot aboutadoption, and i learned a lot more about it


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  • 14 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    This was a very intresting poem.. I am 22 and right now going to adopt out my little girl any day now..Yea, im preganant.. but i already have 2 kids... This was very meaninfull.. When a mom adopts out there kid, its not easy.. i know..But if its whats done, then i bet there is a good reason for it because its killing me to send my babygirl away...I love your poem. keep up the good work