Comments : Whisper In The Wind

  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Very creative. nice work

  • 16 years ago

    by Courtney Lynn

    It's really good in some parts. like -
    "End this torturing
    I know its hard
    Drop the knife
    You'll never go far"

    but it started losing it at the end.
    But the overall story line is very moving.

  • 15 years ago

    by xXHunnyGurlXx

    This poem had a really good story set into it, it was full of emotions and it had a good flow. bar this one stanza:

    Slamming fists
    Into the wall
    Dont let anyone see
    All your scars.

    It didnt seem to go with the rest of the poem rhyming wise.. if you know wat i mean.
    But other then that its really good well done.

    Keep it up!