I need to FoRgEt

by Evie   Oct 1, 2008

-Forget about time
and be free for once
-Forget about eternity
and just do it now
-Forget the past
and learn to move on
-Forget the future
and don't worry
-Forget about death
and take a risk
-Forget your fears
and do the impossible
-Forget the problems
and smile till it hurts
-Forget your regrets
and sleep peacefully
-Forget about pain
and confuse pleasure
-Forget about luck
and use some skill
-Forget your family
and be independent
-Forget your friends
and what they want
-Forget about him

It doesn't (and isnt) suppose to rhyme..Just a though i had during one of my classes when the teacher said to just forget everything and relax...I couldn't get him out of my mind that day


if your going to down-rate,,tell me why so i can improve some.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ignoris

    Ahh, how I wish we could all forget...and just live life! Nice poem, I enjoyed it, simple but a good topic. I liked the kind of independent, 'go get em' feel to it.

    However, I must say though how terrible it is to be bound by a guy...dunno if the one you mention is a good thing or bad, but whatever it is, be careful to never let him have complete control.

    Nice work, keep writing!
    Chin up, Eleni