Staring out in the open air
Stages of bluntness inside pupils
Gusting wind reflects the eyeing glare
Dryness of tears causing by the gleaming sun
Man in pain,
With drops of tears
Beneath the rain
With frozen fears
Dimming luster conceal man deep inside
Hurting chest gasping in essence and pride
Waves of sorrow denounce the past
Splashing tears splatters the ground unseen
Sever with blade of grass,
With his words of lust
Heal the scars
With his tears to the very last
To the clyde he went to mourn and weep
Satisfaction that can never be reached
Every drop of tears tells an infinite story
Even they, the woman can never understand the glory
A plop of tears
Unknown, uncared to others
Rain in fears
Unworth, unobserved by others
All I'm trying to say...
Men are equip with priceless tears
by: Scarredlibran & Emir de Vladamir
Fri 03rd Oct 08