It is Nothing Special.

by Mister 47   Oct 3, 2008

It is nothing special to give you my heart
It is simply in me, the most important part
It is nothing special to rip it off my chest
I will love you more then, not love you less

I will simply die, holding it with my hand
Because I love you more to be simply a friend
You can have it in your hand and crush it as you want
If you expect me to fear, or back off? I won't

Here, take it is all bloody and beating so warm
See his lovely red color, do you see his form?
Here, take it and feel the beat in your hand
Maybe when you hear it, you will comprehend

If you think love is something you can say
You are simply mistaken, you will know one day
If someone will love you, his love he will prove
Not simply accept you and wait for your move

If you think that love is a feeling that can die
Allow me to say: You are living a lie
Love is a living thing, he breath and grow
He dies with time if your care won't show

If you are mad, or sad, or a matter of pride
Always the truth is simply denied
Deep in you, you know I am right
And you keep crying for it and dwelling all night

You can deny all you want, and wish me to hell
You can mumble all the bad words even you won't tell
Remember the truth I say, you can maybe fear
I won't simply accept and tell you what you want to hear

Remember my love what it have been said
Remember the heart that have been shred
I hope my scream your ear will reach
After all these words and the lovely speech


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  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    Wow! i love this!!! its really good!

  • I love them awesome great write 5/5 Caleb Hammett

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    I love ur very detailed poems
    btw i think on the 1st stanza u mean chest instead of chess? other than that i think it is a perferctly great written poem... keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by NoUr

    WOW!! so many powerful & true emotions...
    she'll be really lucky to accept ur love...i wish one day she'll fall for you :(...

    i totally enjoyed the poem, was so effective, touchy and ur true feelings are clear in it...

    keep writting...wish u the best in life :)

  • 16 years ago

    by ilu

    Nice vocabulary....!! keep it up.. I really love it,..5/5 ^_^