I'm thinking of you like the sun
And I know that we are one.
When you come back on
I'm gonna kiss you till you're gone.
And when you go ill miss you again
But I'll get rid of all the pain
That comes every time you leave
Like the falling of the leaves.
And fall is here and the leaves all die
But my love for you always survives
The seasons of the year that pass slow
Like the climbing of a mountain with snow.
Look at yourself in the mirror babe,
And see yourself the way I see you.
When I go see you i'll want to stay
Forever just to be with you.
My poetry just flows like rainy days
When I think of you lighting my way
Through tunnels in the soul so dark
That only the dogs inside do bark
And no other noise is heard there
And everybody just keeps asking " where?"
The lost souls looking for love are dizzy
With their moonshine light lit real dimly.
But my mind will never again feel hazy
Oh, boy, that all now seems so crazy.
Being sad seems crazy and strange
How could I ever have felt that change?
How could my eyes want to cry?
When I'm with you everything is fine.
My soul roars and cries your name
And inside my love's all the same.
I only grow stronger, babe, believe me
My love is rising like the pole in my dream
That goes up forever flowing like a stream.
My heart is a rock of passion unmoved
And can only be touched any time by you.
When you put your hand in mine I'm moved
And my soul forgets how it was it flew.
Thank you, Leilah, for loving me
And showing me the path to destiny.
Thank you for being there with me
When the nights would be cold like mutiny
Against the soul of light that rescues me.
I'm counting down the branches of trees
Until the very second you'll be with me.
A strong breeze is coming and I say "please"
"Don't you try to kill me; i'm one with the sea."
Come closer because I'm missing your face
And I want you right now like its no game.
My soul is floating in the blackness of space
Where you and me will become one flame
As all sadness is thrown out in shame.