Broken heart
still beating still working
throw all the pain of the lost one
broken heart
running from the pain
hiding in the time
going throw the memories
reliving the moments that it really happen
that they are not there
that they are not there
that they are in heaven
looking down
dreaming for the time i have spend with them
not having many friends
not trusting many people
not believing in myself anymore
not having faith that things will work out
not seeing past all the pain
not leaning on my boyfriend when i need to
not doing the things i should
broken heart
not being able to control my rage inside
just hitting the wall
the rage of being throw so much with my x boyfriend being torn throw all the things i went throw
the rage bottle up through like the time bomb
having a short temper
torn too many emotions running throughout my mind
like a re-ruining over in my mind
seeing to many things that wasn't meant to be seen
to be scar for rest my life