Faces in the shadows
People smirking
And sneering
Laughing out loud
Behind your back
Doing so
Out of pure deceit
To your face
Is straight
Being held by lies
And deception
They're eyes
Leading you to believe
That isn't there
They live in a shell
In hiding
One moment
Stepping out
The next
Going from one mask
To another
Always hiding who they are
Cheating all they encounter
The masks we wear
Is based
On our walk
The father from the light
The more masks
We require
It's the fact of walking in lies
Having left
Our first love
We think
We're unseen
Being able to give
And take away
Anytime we choose
Never thinking of the lose
How dark it is
Because we've hidden
Behind a mask
Concealing who we are
We're invulnerable
These masks
Masking our ability to see
Just how foolish
We really are
Unless we change
And return
To our first love
Condemned to these masks
We'll be
Ever lost in a sea
Of unbelief and uncertainty