Comments : Secrets

  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Awwh, i like thos one!! it reminds me of "him" =(
    but awesome job on the poem 5/5 =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    "well never be the same"
    ^^ i think you meant will!!! : x i make those mistakes to when im so caught up in writing the poem!!!

    I thought this was a nicer free flowish type of poem : ) i think a lot of girls will be able to relate to this situation b/c it is very common now a days unfortunately : / That is a powerful thing to be able to connect with your readers though it is great because it keeps the reader interested and intrigued in what you are writing they feel for you because they have been or are there
    great job! just the other suggestions i gave on the last poem i would give here to
