Comments : I Love You

  • 16 years ago

    by Kelsie Danielle

    5/5 this poem good and sad and i like it

  • Its beautiful and its sad!
    Great job


  • 16 years ago

    by Jessica

    It's wonderful! I feel the same way!! Beautifully written.
    (lots of love)

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    The first half of the poem is flawless , but towards the middle the flow gets thrown off and its hard to get back into . It shows alot of emotion , and you must've really loved this guy .. I'm sorry , I know just how it feels . 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Beautiful poem, again the rhyming scheme was carried out perfectly =] There only little thing i could offer help on is that you capitalize all of your 'I's , other than that I see no flaws, another great job, the poem is very sad yet youv'e written it very well

  • 16 years ago

    by HaileyHelen

    The flow kinda got a little rocky in the middle but the beggining was terrific! The rhyme scheme was pretty good too... the poem as a whole however, was really great. I liked it alot! It was filled with emotion and you could tell your feelings for this guy were genuine. 5/5 atw!

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    The poem is really sad, but I can tell that it helped you get closure on something that is happened.

    I think it's a really great poem. I don't really have anything other than check your syllables, it didn't take away from the poem, but it's the only thing I can say to improve.

    perfect poem.


  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    It was a Big Wow! very sad. it happens to everyone that has loved someone with all their heart. i can so relate to this. i love the flow. it's sad but i like it. Keep it up =)

    TaKe CaRe,

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Wow, great poem. It is sad. I can't relate to this one but I know many who can. The wording was strong and full of emotion. I didn't anything wrong with the flow or maybe that is just something that doesn't bother me IDk. Another 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Jessica

    "I may be strong, but I do bruise!"

    i love that line. this poem was sad but very empowering. flowed nicely, and overall a great write. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobody

    Whoa this poems really good nice flow and good chioce of words, the emotion was so real i really love it! and yes i do have a new fav!!! lol keep it up hun cuz your amazing! 5/5 <33

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    "A place for that empty black hole,
    Well, honey that hole is back,"
    ^ I didn't like the repitition here. It basically said the same thing with different words in two lines.

    "Because it seem that,"

    "Now that your gone,"

    I really enjoyed the ending. You finished with such power and the question really gets the reader thinking about what you said long after they are done reading the poem. The flow here was good and your rhymes were good as well. The feeling of losing someone is something everything experiences and your own take on it was nicely written. Your use of questions throughout the piece was quite effective. Aside from the minor errors mentioned before, this was a good piece.

    Well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cyber Saiyan

    ** The poem is great until this line.

    "A place for that empty black hole"

    I understand that you are trying to transition from love to depression, but I think you should span it out over a few more lines.

    Because it seem that,
    that hole is there to stay.

    ** I dont like how you ended one line with THAT and started the next one with the same word. I would maybe try using "Because it seems to me" (notice the S on the end of SEEMS). Or maybe use "Because it seems from this point on". Those lines have a little more meaning and delete the repeated word.

    ** I love how you ended your line on a rhetorical question; it really makes the reader want to answer the question even though nobody really can.

    ** I would suggest breaking up your poem with blank lines inbetween the stanza. A lot of poeple would overlook a poem without breaks. Also, using breaks helps to transition from one thought to another.

    ** Overall, this is a very well written poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by DarkCrystalbtrfy

    I like your imadgry in this poem. I could defenatly relate to what you are saying. The rhyme scheme is also good. Along with the strong emotions that you have desplayed in this poem.

    My favorite line is:
    I may be strong, but I do bruise!

    Well Written
    Sorry for the wait

  • 15 years ago

    by XxMoonLightxX

    This is another very well written poem that i like.
    I like the way it flows and ow the rhyme is well put together
    the only thing i would say is possibly try to use stronger words like for example
    in the 8th line instead of saying mad put a stronger word like angry
    mad just seems like a really young word to me if you know what i mean
    as your writing grows so should the vocabulary justlike a child as they grow

    over all i thought this was a very well written piece and i enjoy reading your work
    keep writing


  • 15 years ago

    by Second to None

    Gawd. you just explaid exactly how i feel. i love the last line. it really raps up the poem.

  • 15 years ago

    by Rocky

    I really liked that poem but it lost its rythm every now and again like where you said "To make me mad, or sad." you should use either one or the other or change mad to angry to keep the flow as 2 words of one syllable that rhyme so perfectly kinda throw it off. also i feel the sentences
    "The one that held the key to my heart,
    And the key to my soul"
    would flow better as
    "the one that held
    the key to my heart
    and to my soul"
    . otherwise i liked the free rhyme scheme you used, it made it sound alot more natural than a fixed one would have. but you should maybe also think of using half rhymes more

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    Nicely written, well I think it must been hard for you to move especially when you're still in love with the one you love. Well I truly enjoyed reading this, keep it up:)

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Very beautifully written 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Good piece but your new pieces are much better....ughh I don't know what to say except that I enjoyed the sad tone within your words but.....I believe you can do much better. Good luck.