My Fallen Angel.

by Please hold me tight so I know you will never leave   Oct 10, 2008

You have fell from heaven,
to be with me,
Yo love me,
And you always have.

Your my fallen angel
you are the angel
sent to me
to lead me to the gates

but yet you can never
come back I will set by the gates
Tell the day you come through

You live in the dark
and I live in the light

but yet i fell in love with you
my angel who was sent for me
to lead me to thoughs golden gates

A year has past from that day
and yet i set here waiting for you
crying to be with you
Wanting to be with you
Hoping to be with you

God has given me a choice
to live with him
or fall to earth to be with you

Yet all angels would choose to be with him
I choses you
He opens those gates to let a child out
To let a lost love out.

I fall to earth
The pain I feel as my wings turn black
is not as great of a pain as being separated form you

I hit the ground
and look up
as the gates close.

i stand up to look around
this is the place that you my angel took me
i hope that i see you here
I wish that i see you now

So I call out to you
Thinking how much I miss you
Thinking that you would come out and give me a hug
Think that you were here

But yet you came with an old man
To lead him to thoughs golden gates
I step aside I didnt want to interrupt you
So I wont be in your way
You stop at the place that I had fell.

You look up as the gates open one more time
and the man was gone.
You turned around
to stop in your tracks

You were happy to see me
And i was you.
We walked side by side
to do gods work
Happy to be with each other

one last time.

~*~Decanted to one person who made me happy even on my worst days.~*~

~*~Edit: I probly will be adding a few things to this poem cause I feel like its not all the way done. :)~*~


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  • 16 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    I cant wait for you to finish its beautiful

  • 16 years ago

    by Evil One

    Nice poem it really inspired me some

  • 16 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    I personly love is i must ask am i the angel you fell for....

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