Its not so long to wait three hours
For your time to catch up to mine.
Its not too bad to stir the fires
That make a bright sunshine.
Three hours of waiting for my maid
Sometimes feel like a decade.
My heart is filled enough to cascade
As my mind is mentally delayed.
I want so much for whom I love to touch
The fiery embers that my hands just clutch.
Near an empty sky of green that sways
My fingers carry on from May to May.
Three hours separate our time from left to right
With arbitrary requests for sleep in the night.
I wait as much as possible for your bright light
To lower the volume of the shrieks in sight.
I'm sitting with my back bent slightly
But my mind is a straight line of yellow.
The rays of the sun are in me tightly
Compressed to shoot out a loud bellow.
" love you" is overheard in heaven
Like screams shooting bullets in sevens.
I�m unaffected by all these pains
That drip right off me like rain.
Goodbye pain.. Goodbye rain...
Everything is gonna be okay.
Three hours between us wont drive me insane
I'm waiting on a stop light by true Love's Way.
My car isn't running out of fuel again
Its' gasoline is love that glows every day.
Monday morning with my mind on you...
Tuesday morning kissing you...
Wednesday morning killing the blue...
Thursday morning looking for the moon...
Friday morning I find it in your eyes that bloom...
Saturday morning I'm wanting you...
Sunday comes and I'm next to you.
I wake up to my lover's kiss in my mind that misses
All the words of love coming to me like kisses.
Peace falling from heaven like energy showers
My mental frame that waits for those three hours
When you come to fill me with new powers
That come in shapes like pretty little flowers.