by The Queen Oct 11, 2008
category :
Nature, environment /
What I loved about this piece is the descriptions. They weren't the same cliche wording that is used but you explained the shape and the sight of it so well. A well-expressed piece and I was glad to have come upon this. The style was easy to read and flowed continuously in my mind while I was reading. Excellent job, I have no suggestions. |
by HaileyHelen
It really does seem quite peaceful. I guess whenever you put an actual person in a beautiful surrounding even that can;t help ease a troubled mind. Well, anyways. I thought this had great imagry. There is an excellent rhythmic pattern. I really enjoyed reading this. Really fantastic job! 10/5 |
Your vivid imagery and descriptions were so well written |
I really like your style and find no flaw at all |
by Scorpio
What a wonderfull poem !!!! |