My Pain

by XxSaved By LovexX   Oct 12, 2008

I have so much pain inside
That I try to hide
Theres just so much that people wouldn't get
Most people just tell me to go away
I decide to stay
I try to tell them what I've been through
But they just say "F u c k You"
So I decide to run
Run so far away
Away from all this pain
I find a safe place to stay
But I decide to keep running anyway
I'm so far away now
But then I realize whats inside
I realize all the great memories
All the great times
I try to keep running but I get a message from
I tell myself to turn around
Go back to all the great things
I turn around and run as fast as I can
But when I get back no one understands
No one knows I'm back
The one person I care about most doesn't
Even know I'm alive
Theres just so much pain inside
That I try to hide
But then it all just comes out
I take a razor to my arm
I etch his name
But then I realize I've cut too deep
So now I'm going dizzy
The blood is pouring out like Krazy
But then I hear his voice
He says he loves me
He said that he would do anything for me
I muttered "If you love me hold me tight
Don't let me go"
Two weeks later
His name is scared into my arm
But then I realize that hes the one who saved
I look for him but hes no where to be found
I look everywhere
I give up go home and turn on the T.V.
I hear something about a suicide
I turn it up and listen carefully
The name is Eddy Keebler
I was so surprised that I passed out
I'm gone to find him
I might not be back
But I have so much pain inside
That I try to hide
Theres just so much I have to say
But everyone I try to tell just says
"Go the f u c k away"
So no one understands what I've been
And no one ever will
Theres just so much pain inside
That I try to hide


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