No longer

by Matthew Schut   Oct 13, 2008

I can no longer let you control me
I need to move on with my life
I thought things we getting better
But I have since turned to the knife

Things could have worked at one point
But you have chosen someone new
Please don't ever talk to me again
I need to forever get over you

You've caused me too many tears
I've cried myself to sleep every night
Love should have not have to be this way
Something just is not right

It will be very hard and it will hurt
But if I ever look your way again
Don't even crack a smile
Because I can no longer call you a friend

You have moved on with your life
And you are trying to hold onto me too
I deserve so much better than this
I need to realize that we are through

But how can you let go of someone that means so much
How do you say goodbye when you wish it was forever
What do you do when she's the one that holds your heart
And how do you tell your heart you will never be together...


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  • 16 years ago

    by azii

    This is like my story. i can totally relate. great job. i love it how u show the reality at first, tellin about how things are/should be,and in the end u know it's not that simple to u, like u know what's right, btu how much easier it is to just be wrong. u know u werent treated fair, but u still wish so bad that it could stillwork out, that why did it have to end this way. well that's what i feel. but the poem itself was pretty good, the rhyming wall very well done, u could still work on the flow though. keep up the good work