Visions Of You

by Michelle   Jun 7, 2004

The moonlight shining through my window
Is casting phantom shadows on the wall
I could swear that I saw you just then
But you're not really there at all.
I hear floorboards creaking in the hallway
So I get up to have a look around
But it's just the groans of an old house
You're nowhere to be found.
I lie down and fall into restless sleep
And feel your warm body pressing against mine
But then I jolt from my dream again
For a few moments you felt so divine...
Aware that sleep won't come now I arise
And leave ealier than normal to start my day
A familiar silouette walking along the predawn hours...
Was that YOU who just glanced my way?
My head quickly twirls to look again
But of course it's just someone else I know
They give a wave and smile at me
And down the road they go...
At work my eyes zoom in on the door
Each time someone passes through
I know that it's not possible
But I want it somehow, to be you...
You're everywhere that my gaze roams
You haunt every corner of my mind
And until I can touch you for myself
No respite from my visions will I find.

xxxI love you Craig, and this is true..I picture you everywhere, talk out loud to you! And just want you sooo badly to be HERE!! 24 days baby!!!xxx


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  • 20 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    yea the first! wow i feel so acomplished literally! ok ill try to make this short or i wotn stop! amazing! it all flowed i envy your talent so much! keep it up! i want to reaD more! more more more more! ok im done! lov lots
    lexi lou