My Promise

by Bonnie Rivers   Oct 15, 2008

You make me feel so alive,
Sometimes you're with someone,
And you think you're so in love,
Until you loose that special someone,
It's then that you realize its just a crush.

When the right person comes along,
You automatically know this is for real,
You could spend the rest of your life with them,
Its an amazing feeling to be in love,
And I've found that love with you.

I'm so glad to be with you,
To share so many memories with you,
To share my life, forever, with you,
To know you're not going to hurt me or break my heart,
Such a fabulous feeling to love you!

This all comes from my heart and is so true,
I'm so happy to share this with you,
Our lives together is like the missing piece to the puzzle,
So happy we fit right in place in each others arms,
The smile on your face while you're reading this is priceless!

To fall madly in love with someone like you,
Was once a dream; now come true,
So glad the rest of my life will be spent with you,
I love you so much with my entire heart,
And I promise to spend the rest of our lives together showing you just how much I love you!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nabila

    That was wonderful, Bonnie. I liked it. And thanks for the comments you about my writing. I'm in the process of making those corrections.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cassie Cain

    Awwww, how sweet, i love this one , i bet the one you wrote this for is really happy you did, how cute, keep up the good work.

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