Not really a poem..more of how I am feeling

by HuRtInG bEcAuSe Of YoU   Oct 16, 2008

I'm leaving Friday but only till Monday. I am going to miss all of you my friends.
Jessica, I will talk to you as soon as i can. But I have to go...I will miss you.
Keith, I will miss you too. Your a good friend. i will talk to you Monday
Paula, I will talk to you whenever I get a chance. I will also miss you
Collene, my mother, my friend, I will miss you and talk to you Monday.
All my friend is Down with sickness,
I will miss all of you. You all have been great to me...Talk to you all soon :)

Talk to all of you soon my friends


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jessica

    Me miss you too Alex. *many many hugs*

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