Dear Muslim Sister

by Nabila   Oct 16, 2008

Allah has bestowed on you blessings, more than you can understand;
He has placed a nation's discipline on the palm of your hand.

All the worldly glitter should not make you blind,
Death is just around the corner, don't be the heedless kind.

Don't listen to the garbage they call women liberation,
Allah has given you your freedom from the time of your creation.

Your voice should not be soft, make it honourable when you speak;
Perhaps you might cause a Muslim brothers' heart to become weak.

Adorn yourself with manners; you will one day become a mother;
And a Muslim man, you should always regard as your brother.

Idle talk, you should forget, it's unbecoming of you;
You are a busy person; you've got better things to do.

No intense looks, no matter how handsome is he;
Remember to lower your gaze and guide your modesty.

Take care, when going out, about the way you look;
Don't forget to cover up, and follow Allahs' book.

There's more to you than the beauty seen on your face;
You have a mind of your own which nothing can replace.

Stop killing yourself trying to look good for a man;
You're disobeying Allah, repent as fast as you can.

Next time you're going to your tailor, tell him not to make it light;
And tell him it should be loose, what's the use of making it tight?

Never allow yourself to be in seclusion with men;
And don't wear perfume when you might meet them again.

Remember as a Muslim woman you are a priceless treasure;
In Allah's sight you have value, more than you can measure.

Please don't throw this away imitating people of the west;
Islam is your path, and that path is the best.

Now you have two options as you read this very line;
You may accept my offer, or you may decline.

It is never too late for a Muslim to repent;
Even if, all your life, in sin, it was spent.

But remember: Allah will always be alive and well;
Your destiny can be nothing other than paradise or hell.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Biya


    whenever u write such poems , let me know
    salam o alekum

  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    Oh wow,Nabila.What a wonderful poem.It's really nice and beautiful and it's really nice to show the whole world our islam because it's a religion we should be proud of it.

    Give you my vote sis...5\5...