How Many Tears Are Left In My Eyes?

by PRiNCESS SKiTTLEZ   Oct 17, 2008

How many tears are left in my eyes?
Why do I laugh when I really want to cry?
I wonder why I get up everyday
When in the end it will turn out the same way
I ask myself if I should keep trying
Inside, I feel my heart is dying
Its as if Im invisible to you
Its like nothing I do ever gets through
I want to give up and say that its the end
But I know my heart will never mend
How come you find it so easy to break my heart?
I bet you dont even realize that weve grown apart
Maybe this was just fate or destiny
Maybe Ive just been living in a fantasy
Everyday I ask myself why
Everyday I lock myself in my room to cry
How much longer can we live in secrets and lies
How many tears are left in my eyes?


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    I can really relate to this poem as well as a lot of you other poems i really enjoy readin them..

  • 16 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    Great poem nice words and nicely put \
