Comments : It feels like my light is out...

  • 16 years ago

    by rhend

    Oh melancholy reign ones again! how sad is your poem is. i feel the sadness even inside my soul.

  • 16 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I really really really liked your first stanza, it was a great entry, i liked the rest of your poem too, it reminded me of a person about to commit suicide, im not saying suicide is good but still nice work^^

  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    I liked this poem. It was depressing but got the reader into it. There was a lot of feeling... and again, the way it was written is what made this poem. The phrases you choose are brilliant. Your word choice and flow are flawless! I really enjoyed this one as well...

    I'm really looking forward to more from you! 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    This poem is like a lot that are on Poems and quotes. It's become a very cliche poem that a lot of people do.

    I felt that the subject didn't take away from it, there are many poems that have the same subject but they don't mean the same.

    I just felt that there were times when he shined and times when it was ok.

    Resembling a fragile crystal
    Candles burning in the night
    My own struggle for survival
    I can't take the endless fight

    The first two lines of that part were really good. I felt that you could have choosen a better subject, but you write about what you feel and this is how you felt at the moment. It was just ok for me, nothing amazing, but nothing really horrible.
