Comments : Hear , See and speak .

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    Good poem, I enjoyed it and it seemed to ring abit and I could picture it.

    If you look inside me you will find three poor guys
    Each one of them, hold his own disguise

    After this line it really started to confuse me. It was off with the end rythme, but not enough to take it away from th poem or even from the effect.

    At last evil, is not something you see
    It is something you do, and something you be

    You are the demon and angel combined
    You choose to be, what you want in mind

    those two stanza's really made m confused.

    The Mind rythme was really forced in my opinion it's almost as if you had the end rythme for that before you even had the start of it.

    I really liked this poem and felt that there was a lot of places for improvements in it. All in all a really good read.


  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    A powerfull poem, it seems to me you and this woman will never be an item....
    Is this the contest you have written out yourself? I haven't checked it yet..
    An enjoyable read:)

    Take care,

    5/5 Ingrid