I gave up on you seconds after it became clear
Can't say you didnt care about me from the jump
Cuhz we jumped into it without fear
I gave up on Love a while bacc
Cant say we wernt going to work out
But all of a sudden we was missing the facts
I dont show feelings and dats not ez 2 deal wit
I tried my hardest
U kno dinner candle lit
But as tym progress
I let go of the thought of you bein different
i let my intution do its job to find out the rest
So in the end u missed out
there is no freindship
and damn sho nothing to talk about
i mean it was doomed from the start
cant be true to you
when my past still captivates me heart
Der has been many in the past
never went ne where past 2 months
So y did I expect you 2 last?
I mean Daniel dont count cuhz ders no comparisson
No one can out do my first love
naw naw naw none of dem
In the end I remember the thing i always think about
I never am single less then a few months
That leaves nothing but doubt