This is what I needed

by vampagorian   Oct 22, 2008

You ripped my heart out and watched me bleed.
I've cried for you I was even stupid enough to plead.
I cant imagine my life without you, try as I might.
I didn't see this coming, I thought we'd last through the fight.

I didn't think you'd leave me at a time like this,
I thought my life was making sense, I thought it was bliss.
I may not have loved you but cared for you dearly.
I'm still gonna be your friend and talk to you clearly.

There's few people who can recover as fast as you.
But then you lied to me for 6months and this is true.
When I said I love you I meant it.
But now my throat is clamping, my heart breaking, I feel like shit.

The tears are rising deep within my throat.
I could cry so much to fill a moat.
But you're not worth it if all you wanted was a screw.
Yes you are who I wanted but I will learn to live without you.

I don't need a guy to make me happy.
I needed you to break my heart to see.
I don't have your arms to hold me or squeeze me tight.
I don't have you to run to and will cry through the night.

But I will pull through no matter how long it takes.
A relationship has ended, a friendship remains, a heart breaks.
There's things you gave me I cant get from my girl.
But boy losing you is not the end of my world.

You rocked my world all night long.
But babe, breaking up with you is not the end of my song.
I'm moving on and I'm doing it fast and true.
I still wanna be your friend but heart says F**K You!


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  • 16 years ago

    by vampagorian

    Thanks hey. he broke up with me about 3 times n I finally got back at him hey!

  • 16 years ago

    by Matthew Schut

    I love it...powerful and sad but I can relate so it makes it great! :) keep it up! :)

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