A wrist cutters love story

by Momma   Oct 22, 2008

I run the cold blade across my skin
Now wanting my life to finally end
I press down harder until blood flows
The pain replacing all of my woes

I don't even notice him at first
So focused on my path to the hearse
Into the darkness i did embark
Until his smile lit up the dark

Still there I sat in my lonely night
Wanting to believe but filled with fright
He gave me his hand and pulled me out
His love replacing all of my doubt

Then there were scars where cuts used to be
Before i knew it i was happy
I was finally living in the day
Finally knowing to live a new way

And now all my scars have been erased
Erased from my mind,wrist, time, and space
Now i know i didn't want to die
Just waiting for the love of my life


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  • 15 years ago

    by Andrew

    Oh wow, the poem starts really sad but as it progresses it brightens up. Its always a wonder what love can do, when the right person comes along it seems like your life has started anew. Really loved this one.

  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    Well, i can tell you that this poem turned out to be different than what i thought it would be :) and it was a positive surprise.
    It is simple, and easy to follow but still I felt that there was someting missing, maybe you should have talked more about the feelings, i think that is what i am missing..

  • 15 years ago

    by WaitAutumn

    Simple words, but enough to make you want to read more. I wouldn't say it's cute, I found it kind of sad actually.. but well written.

  • 16 years ago

    by heartbrokengrl

    Aww how cute i really like it. =)

  • 16 years ago

    by BitterXSweetness

    Interesting. Is this true? I mean bcuz if it it than I would say it's good and bad. I liked the poem itself. I liked how u gave it all a story but it wasn't long. It was all very clear and 2 the point. I loved the rhyming except 4 the the last stanza. That kinda really threw everything off. I think that maybe u should try 2 fix the rhyming of the last stanza without taking away from the story. What I personally didn't like though, was that ur (if it is real) ur ddepending 2 much on him. And I shouldn't use those words "I don't like" Cuz I don't mean it like that. I personally don't think that u should depend on him completely 2 save u from ur blade. Bcuz what if he leaves? What r u going 2 do then? R u going 2 hurt urself now that he's gone or r u going 2 continue 2 make progress. And I'm saying this bcuz I know how it it 2 depend on some1. I've been a cutter since I was 12. And a couple of yrs after I meet this guy and he was the world 2 me. And he helped me 2 stop cutting 4 a bit. But I realized that I couldn't depend on him. And not bcuz he wasn't a great guy becuz he was. he is. It's just that I need 2 work on me without having 2 depend on some1 else u'know? And don't get me wrong hun. It's great that u found some1 that u love and u can trust but all I'm say is just try not 2 let him be everything. Like I said b4, if he goes, will u start cutting again? But ur poem was good. =)