Comments : A wrist cutters love story

  • 16 years ago

    by StephanieMichelle

    Aww.. I liked it. 5/5

  • 16 years ago


    Good poem!! i l0VEd iT!!

  • 16 years ago

    by BitterXSweetness

    Interesting. Is this true? I mean bcuz if it it than I would say it's good and bad. I liked the poem itself. I liked how u gave it all a story but it wasn't long. It was all very clear and 2 the point. I loved the rhyming except 4 the the last stanza. That kinda really threw everything off. I think that maybe u should try 2 fix the rhyming of the last stanza without taking away from the story. What I personally didn't like though, was that ur (if it is real) ur ddepending 2 much on him. And I shouldn't use those words "I don't like" Cuz I don't mean it like that. I personally don't think that u should depend on him completely 2 save u from ur blade. Bcuz what if he leaves? What r u going 2 do then? R u going 2 hurt urself now that he's gone or r u going 2 continue 2 make progress. And I'm saying this bcuz I know how it it 2 depend on some1. I've been a cutter since I was 12. And a couple of yrs after I meet this guy and he was the world 2 me. And he helped me 2 stop cutting 4 a bit. But I realized that I couldn't depend on him. And not bcuz he wasn't a great guy becuz he was. he is. It's just that I need 2 work on me without having 2 depend on some1 else u'know? And don't get me wrong hun. It's great that u found some1 that u love and u can trust but all I'm say is just try not 2 let him be everything. Like I said b4, if he goes, will u start cutting again? But ur poem was good. =)

  • 16 years ago

    by heartbrokengrl

    Aww how cute i really like it. =)

  • 15 years ago

    by WaitAutumn

    Simple words, but enough to make you want to read more. I wouldn't say it's cute, I found it kind of sad actually.. but well written.

  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    Well, i can tell you that this poem turned out to be different than what i thought it would be :) and it was a positive surprise.
    It is simple, and easy to follow but still I felt that there was someting missing, maybe you should have talked more about the feelings, i think that is what i am missing..

  • 15 years ago

    by Andrew

    Oh wow, the poem starts really sad but as it progresses it brightens up. Its always a wonder what love can do, when the right person comes along it seems like your life has started anew. Really loved this one.