
by bubbles   Oct 23, 2008

Clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop
Tall, thin heels on concrete, suddenly stop
Puddle littered pavement on a cold windy night
Soaked to the bone, umbrella lost the fight

A break in the silence, slamming of door
Sets the jaw to lock, on edge, nerves raw
Start to run, slow down or just quicken the pace?
Try to get out, to a less lonely place
A noise, a rustle, somewhere off to the side
Mind rushing wildly as fight or flight collide

Hand in pocket, fingers tighten around phone
Reassurance of not being quite so alone
Footsteps in the distance, a little way off
Did someone speak or just muffled cough?

In the road ahead, dark figures appear
Heart beating faster as they start to draw near
Act casual, stay calm, what to do if they speak?
Senses assaulted by stale aftershave's wreak
Keep walking, look ahead, hold head up high
Pass them quickly, try not to catch any eye

What to do if they try to grab at the purse?
Would it deter them to shout, scream or to curse?
Imagining being punched and spinning around
And feeling the impact when hitting ground
A final hard foot aimed straight at the head
Suddenly there is silence when left there for dead

The figures pass by without saying a word
A sigh of relief the whole street could have heard
And the path does now widen, an array of street lights
The heart starts to calm as they light the dark night
And finally ahead is the house she calls home
The dark streets no longer, alone she does roam
Now safe in the house, she turns key in the door
With a creak of a floorboard, fear engulfs her once more


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  • 15 years ago

    by Wereallbladesarntwe

    Hiya kido, keep writing please
    this shows you have the talent, x

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    This poem has a really good rhyming flow =]
    Really great job, the story is something im sure loads of people could relate to ^^

  • 16 years ago

    by Meme

    Amazing work on this one