Your final move

by Cotton Candy Clouds   Oct 26, 2008

I'm yours and you're mine.
I know the title all too well.
But what does it truly mean?
Why won't you just tell?

Explain this to me.
Am I just an insignificant label?
Another girl on the list?
Wow, why does this make me so unstable?

Why does every relationship
have to turn into a puzzle or game?
I thought you are supposed to be able to tell
the differences between each guys name.

Oops, there was a flaw in that plan.
You still don't care or want to try.
I struggle to conjure up plan B.
All these tricks just to keep my guy.

Why is everything a thought out plan?
Why is it always about evening the score?
Why can't two people just be content?
Are anyone's feelings true anymore?

The truth? Honesty? Ok.
I'm struggling to make sense of you.
Is what you say truly heartfelt or a perfected act?
Stop. I don't like the look of this. Let's try "take two."

You whisper genuine and sweet words
and it makes me absolutely sick.
I know you're just going to turn around
and let your actions contradict.

Tell me, is this your tactic?
Pursue me in the beginning,
than draw back and let go.
One to zero, you're winning.

I'm not some little trophy
for you to show off to your friends.
I'm not just there for convenience,
to put up with your shi* that never ends.

I apologize if any one of these words
seem in any way cruel and heartless.
But you leave me no other choice.
I can't. Actually, I won't put up with this.

I have fought to rekindle this,
run out of foolish schemes.
I just must not be a priority to you.
At least, that is what is seems.

Now it is up to you, I'm tired of playing. I quit.
I'm fed up with being the only one striving to prove.
It's ok. Just take your time, and think it through.
But I'm warning you boy, this is your final move.

Copyright © Composed Catastrophe All Rights Reserved


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  • 13 years ago

    by Matthew Schut

    Wow, I loved it!! Good work!!! :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    This poem isn't as bad as the last one. I guess I'm into the short/medium style poems for certain emotions. Some poems are good long and some aren't. This is a good poem. I'm going to give it a 5/5 because I don't hardly judge on how much I like it but how well it was written. And, I think you did a decent job, it's just not my taste.

    Good imagery, by the way.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    "Is what you say truly heartfelt or a perfected act?"
    ^ I have myself asking the same question hun...Its so hard to know what you can trust and whats just part of their plan to get you under their spell. That's why sometimes you have to get burned so you learn to be more careful with your heart.

    "You whisper genuine and sweet words
    and it makes me absolutely sick.
    I know you're just going to turn around
    and let your actions contradict."
    ^Actions speak soo much more louder then words. A guy can say "oh hun youre the one, I cant see my life without you" and there will never be anybody else and then they can just go out with their buds and meet a new girl who they spit the same game to. That leaves us asking ourselves is his love truly for real?

    "Tell me, is this your tactic?
    Pursue me in the beginning,
    than draw back and let go.
    One to zero, you're winning."
    ^Oh boy could I relate with that! Its like you took the words right out of my mouth! In the beginning everything is so sweet and perfect then they do a total 180 and have us leaving confused and asking wtf?

    I LOVED the ending hun! You stood your ground and told this guy that youre done putting up with his lame games and you deserve so much better! We all deserve better then a stupid player thinking he can make any girl fall in love with him. You showed through this poem that youre smarted and stronger then that and wont put up with it anymore and if he actually ever cared then this would be a reality check for him and if not then bye bye loser his loss. I adored every line in this poem!

    Well done!
    *5/5* :]

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Wow, I loved how you put love into a game, that was brilliant. I really loved the way you used your words to paint a picture of a game. And the ending was so good! 55

  • 16 years ago

    by Day Lee

    I really like it..
    keep it upp<333