
by qawsee   Oct 28, 2008

The window is open wide
let the dark match the inside
let the blood of your soul
blot the sky pitch black
and watch as the moons whole
disappears to never come back

the door is fully agape
the scene replays, a vile rape
a broken record skipping
across a black blood lake
a meek soul ripping
itself apart in its wake

iron bars will never hold him
not even death with his grip so grim
will ever keep his face from your mind
or stop the glance at shadows
creeping at you from behind
with his face of black crows

the window was closed, he broke it
the door was locked, but it did permit
his entrance into your life
and black iron bars will never forget
that he and his knife
committed more than just a threat

a smirk opened his mouth agape
and in the dark he committed rape
and he left you there in your bed
only 14 but already dead.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer

    That was a sad truth well done!