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by RavishingEruption Oct 28, 2008 category : Dark, fantasy / fantasy, mystical
Come around here And I'll tell ye a tale Of a dragon and a maid With fiery hair She wasn't content Sitting in her room She went out to see Though it would be her doom After walking a league And taking a rest She awoke with a dread Deep in 'er breast She looked about To see what was there She spied a lad Oh! was he fair He smiled and fled And she gave pursuit They came to a tree That bore much fruit The lad told her "Eat." And so she did It awoke in her mind Things best left hid Visions of witches And goblins and ghosts Danced in her head The lad frightened her most His face got long And his skin turned to scales His beauty had changed Into a monster with a tail She tried to flee But the fruit took effect Only too late did she Begin to detect The dragon grew For that's what it was The last thing she saw... Ah, that it was The dragon's breath Of fire and smoke Wrapped her in darkness Just like a cloak He ate her like THAT! In only one bite So next time you wonder, Be back before night!