Comments : Now it is me.

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Ummm why am i the first to comment on this?? I LOVED IT! this is soooo good. Its short, but so powerful. It flowed so well, and the wording just...i duno how to explain it. this is really moving tho. Excellent write. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    As you said short and sweet ,

    and i lvoe it actualy , it mean soo much in little words .

    and yes that si life , pepole we love fly away , liek doves , in the winter ...

    and no matter how we do we can not stop it but we can work with it or handle it or lean how to handle it ,

    we never feel that we ever fit in this world and yeah , everyone have his ltitle song to sing ,

    i can relate a lot to this opoem that with her smalla dn short words can mean a lot of things ,
    it can be better in structure though , and choice of the weak rhyming , it si jsut seem a bti kinky !!

    but other than that i find it astonishing great performance