It seems as if the light is only bright for me,
But that would be selfish of me to even think it,
Such a terrible thing to do- so egotistical of me,
I can't help it as the poison ivy covers my body.
I'm tempted to scratch until my skin is raw,
Until the puffy redness drifts away- completely,
I'm bored out of my mind- making shapes on my skin;
Making shapes in the ivy like you would in the clouds.
Oh, but this is one cloudy yet sunny day today,
Sitting on the stoop that trails to my front door,
The birds are singing unusually loud rhythmed tunes,
But, I've only noticed it all today.
Now that I have nothing to do but watch and listen,
To the softness of the breeze that grabs my hair,
And watch the redness spread slowly inch by inch,
Finally, sick of the scratching I make a bandage.
With the materials I could find throughout my house,
Two paper towels and eight rubber bands,
But my face, I'm tempted yet again,
To bow down to the depths of the devil spirits who want me to suffer.