The Begining Of The End (True Story)

by The Shadowlust Inside Me   Nov 4, 2008

The begining of the end
Something I hope that doesn't become a trend
Tonight I hope to enter the world of the dead
To relief myself of problems with in
They stretch and pull my train of thought
Till I shout or cry
Tonight I plead to end my life
To some how see the bright side of my under life
The hole thats inside can only be filled by one
A hole that may never become mended
So tonight I Slice once and for all
To end it all

- sigh -

Ahh my last breath it seems to be
but whats this.... its not ment to be
My sister is screaming I try to say no
But my body does not comply in saying so
I hear rushing feet its seems that we must meet
But wrong again I fall into a calling sleep
I wake once for mere seconds to find im in a rushing hospital bed
Oh no I think, why am I not dead
No time to think I sleep again only to wake.....
What a mistake

- Wake Up Gaige Wake Up -

The rage inside only increases as I hear these words
Why is it I cant die!!
Am I so useless I cant even end my own life
Why is it I can never have anything but strife
But I suck it in and tell my lie
So to avoid those useless fools
The ones I call the biggest tools
The Shrinks
But they will never know or understand
The feelings inside are those of utter bliss
The cut was not painfull neither great
But it understood my pain
It knew that my time atlast had came
To end my iner shame

- Lights Are Off And Im All Alone -

Ahh it was to be my last breath it had seemed
But this.... was not ment to be
I am neither dead or alive
For I am becoming nothing but cold
Soon I will explode
Taking more then me to the under world
I will show them what it is to have the numbing utter bliss
This will always be the begining of the end for me, good night


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  • 15 years ago

    by Proud to be Screwed Up

    Oh my god...i'm soo sorry..i know i keep repeating it but i am

  • 16 years ago

    by Splashley

    Wow...i love your poems..they are amazing and people can really see how you feel and what you think..i love your emotions in your poetry..

    keep up the great work!!


    take care..
    xoxo ashley

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Though mystic I sense life's events feuling this well written poem

    you done real good reflecting dark emotion only as metaphysics could refract