Go On By

by Amina   Nov 4, 2008

Days get shorter, time passes by
People seem to move to fast
As if their living a lie
To lost in the light to let the moments last
I look out and see
So many cars filled with speed
Why can't they slow down I wonder
Its global warming they feed
Society's lost and people are in trouble
America's crumbling being made into a rubble
Bad things seem to happen, crime's at its peak
Why can't everyday cops seem to end the streak?
We've truly lost focus on what our nation's about
People seem to choose to just simply pout
Now it seems Satan's just leading the way
With him leading were sure to pay
Why do people get more serious?
When people stop being so curious?
Whats with all the signs, people often question
They can't seem to figure it out it might be God teaching us a lesson
America's got quite a big head
Its no wonder other countries and people want us dead
I could ask whats up with the war
Why send so many soldiers and mess with Iraq's core
We should should get out why we still have a chance
Someday soon Iraq's going to get us back, holding us to a stance
Will one our country be as small as France?
I the writer can't even predict that one
I find its better to follow God's son
We know not the minute, nor time, nor day, nor place
Till we see eye to eye with God and sweetly see his face
So keep going at a fast pace
I may soon be without a trace
Saying goodbye to the whole human race
I've found my place
Thats beyond outer space


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  • 16 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Very insightful! You've really expressed your feelings well with this poem.

    Poetically, it has potential. You need to check it carefully for spelling and grammar, you've mixed up alot of homophones (their/they're, to/too, etc)

    Your rhyme scheme is all over the place. If you are going to rhyme, you need to try to find a consistent scheme. I'd also try to break this into stanzas, but that isn't an absolute necessity.

    Again, you did very well expressing your feelings in this poem, the rest will come with time and practice.