Losing you

by Iforeverpromise2   Nov 4, 2008

Losing you
would be like losing my life
Letting go of the pain and hurt
is something I just cannot do
at this very moment

And that's just putting myself
in that position
I can only just imagine

The pain itself
Would be of the most excrutiatng kind
And as my insides double over with pain
I would find myself in a dam filled to the brim
with my tears

O how horendously awful
the feeling of losing you
would give my insides

Not to mention
I'd probably lose every single friend I had
if I stayed lost within this world of hurt

But that wouldn't even matter to me
So honey remember me
while your out
partying it up

Just know how extremely painful
it would be
for me
If I were to Ever lose you
For I just cannot bare the thought
of losing you


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