Comments : I Lay Here With You Until The Final Goodbye [Contest]

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    As we laid there; hand in hand above my heart
    This line threw me off .. Because the whole above my heart thing seems kind of .. Corny ? I don't know . It's just not right . Until that point , I was like blown away . I like your wording all through the first stanza . It paints a beautiful picture .. And then the second stanza just throws you into sadness . Still 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This free verse poem flows nicely into intense emotion reaching my very soul

    well done

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Your poem was very sad and romantic at the same time.
    "The sun revealed all the dramatic colors of the sky,
    As the warm breeze whispered harmonic songs.
    The petals soared high with the gentle, warm wind..
    It was like a perfect melody in a serene day"
    These lines were so beautiful and they were the perfect beginning and opening paragraph for the next phrase:
    "I wished my heart felt the same - A tranquil feeling"
    "in my heart theres only one moon" This line was so romantic and filled with devotion.
    "As we laid there; hand in hand above my heart" This was so sweet and sad...It really painted a picture of you lying beside your love as she was dying. great job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Summerbaby18

    That was so heartfelt and absolutely amazing!
    It was a very deep inspriational poem! Great job!(:

  • 16 years ago

    by capturedelight

    Your poem was lovely and great but i was wondering why you put quotations around some parts, is the poem speaking. I started to visualize the poem, but why does she die( or more how) otherwise my thinking mind almost ruins it for me. anywho you wrote it beautifully, nice work

  • 16 years ago

    by xX the left behind Xx

    Beautiful poem..
    such amazing imagery..i could picture it all in my have a way with words.
    pretty sad though..but's beautiful.
    keep up the good work. :)