
by ViolentlyDisturbed   Nov 6, 2008

Pull the strings on my hands, on my feet
Tell me who to love tonight
I see your face in the mirror of time
Was it always so twisted?
Pull the stings to my heart
Show me how to walk tonight
I once saw the face of beauty in sketch
But now you're faded to black & white
So pull my stings tonight
Master of my hands, and my feet
Teach me how to love for you
Show me how to walk in your sketch
So I can fade to black & white, JUST LIKE YOU!
Pull the stings to my heart
Pull the stings, till they come undone
Was I worth your time?
Just hold your breath tonight
I will make you proud!
Cut lose the puppet you love
So I may walk free
You are only holding onto a dream
I will give you my everything!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    This reminds me of my friend, her boyfriend just drags her along. It was really well written and the flow was great. The rhymes were pure genius. I had a phase where i wrote poems in black and white. Just had a little flashback just for you :p