Comments : Mirror of the Past pt.2

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Well you found the truth about the world we live in. I wish it would change. I liked the wording of this poem and the format. I see nothing wrong with it. no changes need to be made. I gave it a 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    Mirror of self confidence/regret. I liked the way you put that. It's a very nicely unique theme.

    There was a flow problem in the first two stanza's. You quickly remedied that.

    I enjoyed this poem and felt that it was a very good read. I enjoyed the unique theme that you placed upon it and the two line stanza's instead of the usual four.

    Very good job.


  • 16 years ago

    by Jessica

    That really was one of your best. Great vocabulary and rhythm, nice imagery and choice of words. Good flow, great job. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by DarkCrystalbtrfy

    Nice use of rhyme. I love how you have the whole mirror image going on how it breaks up into shards of glass. the darkness withen this poem defenatly gives me a clear image of what was going on withen it.

    My favorite lines would have to be:
    For as one slip, One miss, just one more sin.
    Will break my last mirrior, held so closely within

    I love the use of the word sin in this sentance especally with the mirror image

    i cant really see anything that you could work on in this poem. But the one thing that did catch my eye was your capatilization of nothing. I'm guessing that you wanted to highlight that word in particular. too bad that this site wont let you put diffrent words in diffrent colors. To me the whole word in caps is just a bit of an eye soar. dont take offense to that its just my own opinion. i do understand why you did it
    Anyway nice write and keep it up
    Well Written

  • "For as one slip, One miss, just one more sin.
    Will break my last mirrior, held so closely within.

    And as the shards will shred through my heart,
    The world will also begin to fall apart."

    ^My favorite stanzas.

    In stanza 7 I do not believe that nothing should be capitalized complete.It just tears the strength from it.Again word choice was basic.Flow was decent.I enjoyed this one better than the 1st.5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    Amazing job! im speechless! :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    May it be a task as to forgive,
    Something so hard makes it easy to live.

    From the first part I started bobbing my head a bit because the flow in these lines was outstanding. :D

    For as one slip, One miss, just one more sin.
    Will break my last mirrior, held so closely within.

    That was bad ass. :D

    Your only mistakes were a couple on spelling and then a few spots where you had capital letters where you didn't need to. Not all of the rhyming was fantastic. The punctuation was pretty good for the most part, but all that was wrong with it wasn't as nearly as grand as all that was right with it. Every ounce of creativity in this poem was soaked in and pushed the mistakes to the back seat. You've won yourself a five which I would normally never do if I found these mistakes, but this was a special case and should be rewarded. Congratulations. :]

  • 16 years ago

    by xoxkatrinaxox

    Wow those were ahhmmazin. not alot of people write about things like that and i love it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "Our world so cold and filled with hatrid."
    `hatred is the correct spelling.

    `Look through your poem, you captiolized things in the middle of lines that werent necessary.
    `Make sure to remember to look over your puncuation, its great you have it.. but I think that a comma is better and then a period at the end of the second line.. exactly what I said for your other poem.

    Other than that, another good poem. I loved how you tied these two poems together. Unique.


  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    This is a good poem. Once again you're doing the rhyme scheme thing. It's not as bad in this poem as the other two I read but it's still there. BUT, these are the rhymes you want to use if you do. Or at least most of them. one thing I don't suggest is rhymes (MOST OF THE TIME) under 4 letters. Those are the cheesiest ones. Be creative and such. Use your imagination.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Okay..can I just say..I LOVE this.

    I found the content and concept to be original and unique, and I was hooked throughout the poem.

    "May it be a task as to forgive,
    Something so hard makes it easy to live.

    Jesus himself forgiver of Sin.
    Being so righteous, got himself done in"

    ^^ Wonderful opening lines, interesting, thought provoking, full of depth and emotion, wonderful way to hook your reader right from the start!

    "Our own blood smears the mirror of past.
    Ignorance forever staining our once untainted glass"

    ^^ I found the flow to be a little of here, maybe eliminate the our, so you have:

    "Ignorance forever staining once untainted glass"

    It seems to flow better for me that way.

    "Faith dependent on heartless reactions,
    Forgiving dependent on harmless actions.

    Our world so cold and filled with hatrid.
    Forgiving and loving, a remedy so sacred"

    ^^ This piece gets stronger and stronger throughout, and I actually don't want to stop reading I'm enjoying it so much.

    "Wars of the world echo through time.
    Breaking the glass held by only I"

    ^^ I think this would flow better if you changed it round so you had:

    "Breaking the glass only held by I"
    "They left me weak, But I will still stand strong.
    Fighting so bravely, Do NOTHING wrong."

    ^^ I think if you changed the "do" to "doing" the flow would be flawless here.

    "For as one slip, One miss, just one more sin.
    Will break my last mirrior, held so closely within.

    And as the shards will shred through my heart,
    The world will also begin to fall apart."

    ^^Favourite lines of the poem. So much emotion and depth, so much power, and beautiful imagery.

    "For as if the world were to live in the past.
    The pain and suffering would also, Forever last"

    ^^ I really like these closing lines, a beautiful way to finish up this poem.