My heart bleeds

by Nil   Nov 8, 2008

My heart bleeds for the lost
The ones that have let go of hope

My heart breaks for them
When I look into their eyes
And see a reflection of myself
Instead of the wonderful person they carefully hide

My heart bleeds when I see a child
Who's alone in the world, they no longer smile

My heart breaks when a smile from me
Isn't accepted by their innocent hearts
When a comforting hand isn't held
And they run from any kind of love

My heart bleeds for this world
That's been led so far away

My heart breaks for everything
All the wrongs and crimes
The rapes and taking of lives
The emptiness filling hearts all around

I wish I could change the world for the better
But, the change we need as of right now~
Is no longer on the agenda
My heart beats still though

I still have hope


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