I wish I was invisible

by KirbySize   Nov 8, 2008

As I glance around,
I realize kids are staring.
But I don't make a sound.
One by one the tears are starting to fall.
I still say nothing at all.
I can hear the kids talking.
Teachers, as usual are just around walking.
I'm trying to hold back most of the tears,
As if nothing is wrong.
But I can't hold them back, at least not for long.
My mind is lost in a gloomy place.
I just want to run away and hide my face.
I'm confused and I don't know where to go.
This feeling is quite hard not to show.
A secret I pray nobody will know.


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  • 16 years ago

    by KirbySize

    Thanks :)
    i felt horrible one day thinking about my dog passing away..

  • 16 years ago

    by Always and Never

    I agree with the person above me. this is really sad and full of emotion. No one should ever have to feel the way you do. i hope everything works out for the best. take care and keep writing.

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Awww....this is so sad and heartbreaking that you have to go through this. :(

    "But I can't hold them back, at least not for long.
    My mind is lost in a gloomy place.
    I just want to run away and hide my face.
    I'm confused and I don't know where to go."

    Very well-expressed and I can tell you wrote this straight from your heart, so much emotion and sadness portrayed here.

    "This feeling is quite hard not to show.
    A secret I pray nobody will know."

    Good ending, this really is a short but deep piece you wrote that shows of your troubles and how you wish you could be invisible. Take care, 5/5 from me. Keep writing, always and forever....

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