I'll write this write one day.
when I write like I should write.
I'm going to write this way,
like I should write this write.
I'm thinking about this write,
maybe I should make this write rhyme.
or make this write write itself.
Can I complete this rhyme on time?
Should I make this write,
this write of my own,
Rhyme or make your tongue tied?
Because I can make this write of mine,
this write to write all other writes,
right the wrong of all other writes,
from the writes that were written,
to the writes of writes that were never written,
right the wrong writes, to make them right writes.
What is the right write to right the wrong writes?
Write the right write to right this written world.
And i'll fight for the right write to be written,
in this right way, this right write in this right world,
Black, white, wrong, right.