LOVE IS LOVE!!! (A poem in support of Lesbians and their Love)

by Robert Gardiner   Nov 16, 2008


(I wrote this poem in support of Love - supporting love between and for all, and especially in support of my Lesbian Friends.)

Love is Love, no matter where you find it.
Although some may try to deny it,
It still exist.
It is what it is,
Whether between man and woman or those sexed the same.
Love is what it is and doesn't change.

Love is Love, still even, if it's the Lesbian kind.
It still remains Beautiful. It's, still, Divine.
It isn't any less sacred, just because, between two women it's shared.
It should still be respected. It should still be revered,
Held with the highest of ardor.
To all of you, out there, I do implore,
Respect Love and show respect to the love others share.
If love is in one's heart, it deserves and wants to be there.

Love, it sees no orientation.
It only sees the heart and the cherished relation,
Shared, between two.
Love, it is pure and shouldn't be askewed,
By one bigoted, singular-sided view.

Love is Love, and should be respected by, all those who
Cherish this most precious gift.
It's Wonderful, it's Beautiful, and should be Exalted.
Love is Love!!!


Your comments and votes appreciated greatly, thank you!!!

Robert G.


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  • 15 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    Nice poem

  • 16 years ago

    by XxSaved By LovexX

    EXACTLY!!! love is love no matter what! it dont matter if its between two of the same sex or not. if they love eachother just respect that and dont degrade them!

  • 16 years ago

    by kelleyana

    This is so true, you say it all, 'love is love', The moment a couple live in peace , harmony and love, that's all matters. Very great poem as usual, kel.