by CanUKissAwayMyPain   Nov 16, 2008

He sits on his chair. He feels all alone.
He has no one to love. He feels no one loves him.
Cries to himself. His friends are far, far away.
He can reach them. He cant go to them.
He feels so alone in this world.
Remember his memories about her. Memories that were so beautiful and amazing.
She throw that away. She ripped his heart right out of his chest.
Shattered it into a million of pieces right in front of him..
Begging her not to leave. Begging to give him another chance. She says "No"
Feeling all alone. No heart beat within his chest.
His body feeling so numb and useless.
No one wants me. No one loves me. No one needs me here.
Why should I live anymore if no on wants me here.
This guy. This friend of mine is so wrong.
I need him. I want him to be my friend to the very end.
I would do anything to make a smile cross your handsome face.
You think you are not pretty. But though these eyes you are the most beautiful thing in this world.
A friend like you doesn't come so often. A friends like you is awesome to have.
You are not useless cause you help me though times.
You are not alone cause you have me by your side.
You are loved by me. Someone that cares about you a bunch.
Someone that would do anything to make you feel better.
You are my friend. I cant ask for any thing else then a smile upon your face.
I love you mi amigo.
I care about you ..
Please don't ever forget I really do. From the bottom of my heart I do.
You are some special to me. Someone I don't ever want to lose.
Someone I care and love a whole bunch.
Just never forget that.
*To Mi Amigo. You Know Who You Are*


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  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is one of the most beautiful poems I have read.
    well done

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Wow, That really left me speechless for a minute. I have to say that the love you have for your friend is truely an amazing rare kind of love. Friends like this do not come often. The way you expressed how much he meant to you was amazing and flawless. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ria

    Was a nice reading,did not tire me at all,even though it was a long poem.It's nice expressing your feelings to others,great job.

  • 16 years ago

    by Fluffy

    I agree with my sis but more powerful feeling.....even also I feel it in my heart

  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    WOW!! i love it! its so powerful!