Everybody is forgetting about me
I feel like everybody has left me bleed
Bleed to death from my broken heart
They dont understand me
Everybody say to me
That I have to say goodbye
to the one I love and care
so much for
But they cant see it
They just dont understand
The way I am reacting is not because of him
It is because of my self
Myself and the voice inside my head
If you have to help me
Then please stop the voice inside of head
It is telling me what to do and not to
I cant tell anyone about this
Not even my doctor
What will he say?
That I am going crazy?
I fear to sleep at night
I am having dreams that are scary
I wake up more tied then I was before
Just please hear my call for help
I need it so very much right now
But no one is seeing it.
Do I really have to scream it out?
I will try it.