Carousel Lips ((Round and Round))

by StandStill   Nov 17, 2008

You're the brightest colour crayon
in the box of monochromes and pastels,
And I can tell you love me somethin' fierce,
maybe that's why you're raisin' hell.

Monday morning coffee dregs,
they're settling down heavy on our bones.
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
Someone's screaming with a voice so monotone.

Paint the morning sky a something,
make it pretty, make it bright.
Cut off your song and make it short,
but make sure not to hide your light.

Define for us this hypocrisy,
I told you from the kitchen floor,
when you asked me who my God was,
if that made me my Father's who re.

You seem to have forgotten the Saturday,
don't you know we're living just to die?
I can supply you all the reasons,
just don't ever ask me why.

Keep your eyes upon the candle's flame,
don't ever let it fall.
You might just burn the world,
or set fire to us all.

The clock dribbles down the seconds
onto the dirty dishes in the sink.
It's easier to close your eyes and scream out loud..
It terrifies you when you think.

You sort of just want to hide under your sheets,
the one with rocketships to the stars.
You think the monsters can't touch you here
and you feel like you know who you are.

Don't you love your suburban dream?
Hold it close while you map escape.
You're just another Lost Boy, love,
all you need is a raccoon hat and a cape.

So sing us a song with your bubble gum eyes,
they stretch across this room and back.
Smile with your carousel lips
and tell us what we lack.

**Basically a summary of my weekend..**


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Funny way of telling someone about your weekend.. very well written. Great flow...had to giggle. haha.Have a nice week

  • 16 years ago

    by Milla

    It decribes my last two weekends to a T.

    I really liked this. there were parts where the flow was slightly startled

    Define for us this hypocrisy,
    I told you from the kitchen floor,
    when you asked me who my God was,
    if that made me my Father's who re.
    ^^^^The last line really threw it off.

    You're the brightest colour crayon
    in the box of monochromes and pastels,
    ^^^^ a perfect way to start the poem.
    right there with those 2 lines caught the reader in to stay.

    So sing us a song with your bubble gum eyes,
    they stretch across this room and back.
    Smile with your carousel lips
    and tell us what we lack.
    ^^^Beautiful way to end.
    Seriously you are a wizard with words that ooze with sarcasm and hurt.

    A wonderful piece of work i can relate and thats what a good poem does. great job!


  • 16 years ago

    by Mitelia

    Sort of rocked my world.
    thank you for such an amazinn poem, i loved it.

  • 16 years ago

    by XxxBeenThereRockedThatxxX

    Great use of words...very different..Loved it!!

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