Comments : You Are the Wind

  • 16 years ago

    by Goodbye

    Rhyming and flow is okay. I like. :)

    Ideas the about the poem itself: well I feel when we people are young world is a bit black and white. Your last lines seemed to be so final... I mean the lines on your poem:
    "You can't look back
    Just keep on track
    Look at me no more
    For that is a closed door"

    Is that really so?

    Break-ups happen. Nowdays more than in the past. Reasons unknown, hard to define. But when we have break-ups we should remember it is not necessarily best solutions to close someone out of our lives. Of course if this person is bad and evil I would not recommend to keep in touch. But if not...this person is a part of our past.

    It can be tough to accept the idea of friendship just after break up but when time has moved on... And you both have accept the idea of break-up....

    All in all it was a nice poem. I felt sad about the line "It hurts to love you." This can be so true. To love someone does not necessarily make us happier...but in the matter of love it is hard to control feelings. We can not choose to who our heart beats faster.

    Well done. :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Rowena Ravenclaw