
by Obscura   Nov 17, 2008

Kat you were a friend when i needed it most
I was like a ship lost in a storm
With no sign of the coast
Then out of the darkness came the light
Saving me from the eternal night.

You guided me to safety
When i could have crashed and sank
You have earned my trust, my friendship
And my thanks for what you have done
For my self esteem and the happiness you bring
You did it all when i did not ask for a thing.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Awww, Such the sweetest dedication to a friend that I've ever seen. Beautifully written with alot of emotion, 5/5. Em

  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    OMGG i love it!! so amazing!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    Cute =]
    great dedication!

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    And again i loved it. friends are the best!! they are there for you when you need them the most and i love mine more than my own family.

  • 16 years ago

    by AlmostLover

    WoW!lmao thats kinda funny my real name is Kathleen but, most call me kat or by my middle name which is frankie:)but, i really liked this peice...Thanks for the comment...