Best friends..what changed?

by Kylie Jo   Nov 17, 2008

We used to be best friends,
you said until the very end,
and then it ended,
that day you freaked out,
the day you let me know,
what a freak i was,
what a loser,
but now i want you to know,
get over it!

I'm different,
I'm BI,
I speak my mind,
I i can be kind,
and i ain't worth a dime,
i look like crap,
at least i don't talk it,
i have some friends,
that i KNOW,
will be there for me in the end,
I wish it wouldn't of happened,
It seemed like it happened just like that,
and then,
our friendship,
it went....


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  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany Klein

    Hey thx for the commment on my poem...and to tell you the truth i can SO relate to this poem you really reminds me of a "friend" i used to have...good job....keep it up...5/5