This Blood Will Race

by shattered and broken   Nov 18, 2008

Theres a stinging in my heart and its forcing my blood to race
Faster, faster, it screams! Though its running to no place
Forever it moves on, not willing to ever end
Though Ive begged it to stop, it will only race again
Yes, through this maze of veins it pumps, and I cant sleep
No, tonight is just too lonely and this sadness cant be reaped
Forgotten memories are all that race through me now
And I wish that I could call you, to explain this somehow
But Ive let you go, let you drift far away from me
Ive found someone better, someone you cant be
Yet I still miss your voice as it once rung in my ear
It calmed me for so long, but youre no longer here
We both let each other go; I even asked if there was hope
But you told me you were sorry and I learned to cope
I know we still talk, but those times are so far between
Sometimes it doesnt feel at all like the way things should be
Forgive me for those words, for I know they are wrong
I dont have you anymore, I have him; hes my song
The tune I hum in days when the hours seem to stick
The music in my mind, it keeps me going, makes me tick
So why am I so torn? Hes my life, my dreams
The reality thats too harsh the world thats too obscene
The flowers in wind, the sky thats not too far above
Hes the stars I can reach; hes the one I love
Yet in me theres a space, an empty black abyss
It longs for only you, for your soft touch, your kiss
And I wish that I knew why, above all it wants you
You of all people, you told me we were through
That there just was no chance, you and I, we were done
After all those moments, the millions of laughs, the fun
You and I, kid, weve had so many years
The thousands of jokes, the hours of pain, the tears
I thought I let you go, but Ive thought that many times
But theres not one day, not one, when youre not in my mind
Haunting me with secrets, of dark forbidden nights
I try to block them out, but Ive long lost that fight
For you cant beat off opponents that you can not see
Those damned thoughts are silent, yet they plague me
They eat away at the pillars, the foundation of my mind
No longer can I live in the present when I forced to look behind
But this burden is mine to bear; mine alone and I must
For no amount of words can pass this burden, no unto you this I cannot thrust
It is a heavy load, but I promise my blood will race
It will run itself dry, still going no place

*Thanks for reading, it means a lot. I hope you enjoyed, if only because you looked upon the words and they made you feel. Always-


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