Comments : Prose Of Atheism

  • 16 years ago

    by Goth marionette

    And so my belief resting in the chest of loss
    and is my loss resting in the vastness of disbelief

    Awesome words!!
    Every time I read any of ur poems, I get more impressed..I cannot be compared to u..
    Unfortunately, I can't find enough words to describe how much I liked ur poem..
    U are a great poet..
    Keep up the good work and wish ya all the best;)

  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    This piece is just so amazing..perfect in all ways.
    I can tell from reading this poem that I'm reading a famous poet's poem..just like those we always heard of :]

    Worry not O God, worry not Death and Life
    for in the day rests the night
    and in the night rests the day

    This part astonished me..I really love it, I liked the contradictory words in the lines..very powerful and just awesome :)

    This piece is flawless !
    Write on

  • 15 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    I agree with those commenting before me. this was very well written and you chose the right words and placed them perfectly. Nice work here.